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Iulia Deac PCC DiplMgm MD Designer and Director of Training

Iulia Deac founded Ethys Scientific and the coaching education program for leaders in medicine & tech ” Profound respect based Executive coaching”. She leads coach and facilitate the 65 hours of coaching education. Iulia has diverse work experience in healthcare as a doctor but also as a manager coach, trainer, clinical support, or business developer for two innovative research-based big healthcare corporations.

Certifications: Healthcare Leadership Executive coach, Performance and change management by the Open University England, Public procurement expert and trainer by ANC, Trainer& Facilitator for Professional relationship building, Targeted selection by DDI.

Iulia believes that professional collaborative education to understand complexity, Profound respect Executive coaching and ”between equals” partnerships empower people to face the contemporary work, world and, possibly, to optimize their future.

She has a daughter and over 20 years of marriage. Is grateful for the people’s access to education and to authentic art as the expression of divinity. Iulia is also grateful for her whole family where she was lucky to live the respect, faith, and real love, unconditional and undistorted by interest, profit, or status.



About Iulia Deac

Iulia Deac's Coaching-Leadership partnerships bring her clients clarity and a different perspective at crucial moments in their professional life. An experienced medical doctor in the global business of medicine and technology, Iulia is the professional you want to have by your side when things are tough. With great consideration, humor, and honesty, she will challenge you to think critically and strategically. Thus, it is possible to regain your realistic optimism moving towards your next career stage or next professional performance. Iulia is happily celebrating her 21st year of marriage, has a daughter, is jogging and loves alpine skiing.

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